Friday, May 23, 2008

Adam and Eve

When I decided to pursue my career in reporting, there was no slightest doubt on my mind whether I’ll be successful in this profession or not as I am always confident in my decisions . My parents were supportive so what else could I ask for, they have always treated me as men’s equal. I went ahead and so I am here, thinking again whether will I be able to sustain myself in media, which often thrives with cutthroat competitions.

Anyway, once my friend asked me, “Man, you may be drinking and smoking all the time, lucky you”! I denied his assumption about me to which he again added,“ don’t you learn lessons from your media colleagues?” His assertion didn’t come to me as a surprise. Outsiders (non – media folks) often perceive every woman (especially in media) being an active drinker and smoker. Yes, they often acquire such lifestyle; it can be applicable for any profession, but above all, it depends from person to person. It is a myth regarding high stress levels in media that often lead to woman becoming habitual smoker and drinker. In my case, I don’t enjoy its taste. Whichever may be the case of woman opting for same, or regardless of her profession; men must think thousand times before questioning women as usual, “Why do you smoke”? I say, what is wrong if she enjoys hard drinks with her friends? Most men often forget that an individual’s life is god gifted and so by Nature’s grace even a woman has full rights to enjoy her life the way she wants. Oh common man, stop this useless assumption of a woman being your property!!!

“And excuse me gentlemen (if they are); perhaps you must now realize that your ruling rule over us is coming to an end.” At least I don’t need a man to keep me in shackles.

It is men who made regulations for women to keeping total control and steer her as and when they like. Man, it’s our domain, we need space to breath and by the way, haven’t you heard the song, ‘she can make your day; she can take it away (take it all way)’. So give us the due respect and space we deserve and we’ll be as generous as always we were.

1 comment:

sierrabravo said...

The article is very well written as usual,also it reminds me of a very famous statement by the father of the nation-Mahatma Gandhi
"to call women the weaker sex is a libel;it is man`s injustice to women."